Tuesday, May 30, 2017

More #ACAWinning, BX-style

Another day, another Blue Cross blues story.

Or rather, a couple BX blues stories:

■ Not to run up the score, but about that "if you like your plan, you can keep it" promise?

Well, FoIB Holly R has some sad news:

"Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City ... just announced that -- everyone, put on your shocked faces --  it's withdrawing from Obamacare."

Of course, if you lose north of $100 million over the previous 3 years, this shouldn't be a surprise.

■ And FoIB Jeff M alerts us that:

"Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina announced that it has filed for a 22.9 percent rate increase"

Seeing as how they're the only statewide carrier, seems like that may, in fact, be a bargain.

A major factor in the amount of the increase is the cutting off of CSR (cost-sharing reduction); that is, the Feds are shutting off the flow of that sweet, sweet slush fund carrier-subsidy fund. Which, contrary to conventional wisdom (ie The MFM), as always been the plan.

Oh, well.