Thursday, May 28, 2020

HSA News: 2021 edition

Our good friends at FlexBank/Navia sent along this helpful info for 2021 planning (hey, a head start can't hurt):
The IRS just announced the 2021 maximum HSA contribution limits:
Single Coverage  $3,600
Family Coverage  $7,200

By the way, those represent an increase of $50 over 2020 for singles, $100 for families. Not a fortune, to be sure, but something.

As usual, there's a "Catch Up" provision for folks 55 and up: $1,000 per. In case you're wondering, that stayed the same from this year.

Oh! I thought this was interesting:
Special Rule” for Married Individuals

Married individuals (same and/or opposite sex) who are both HSA-eligible individuals may divide their annual HSA contribution limit in any way they want, including allocating nothing to one spouse.

Details here.

Cool beans!
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