Friday, May 19, 2017

Odds & Ends

Last time we discussed medical tourism, it was to lament the increasing price of financing it:

"The cost of international private medical insurance is climbing globally, with an inflation rate of 9.2 percent reported for 2016."

Now FoIB Holly R tips us that a popular tourist destination has gotten serious about offering reasonably priced care:

"Jamaica, like other developing nations before it, is trying to boost its economy by wooing “medical tourists” to fly in for an inexpensive knee replacement or nose job."

No word on whether that includes complimentary Red Stripes.

From the Two Steps Back Department:

"Health insurance gains stalled last year ... 28.6 million people were uninsured last year, unchanged from 2015"

Wait a darned minute there, fella!

Weren't we told - repeatedly - that ObamaCare was going to ensure that everyone would have health insurance? In fact, it requires that they do.

How to square this circle?

And further proof, as if it's needed, that the push to insure everyone has bottomed out, FoIB Jeff M alerts us that:

"Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina has confirmed it is laying off 165 customer service representatives."

As we've previously reported, Tar Heel State BX is the only game in town, er, state. And, as Jeff notes, "if you don't have much b usiness, or competition, you don't really need lots of folks in customer service."

After all, where are they gonna go?