Monday, May 08, 2017

Monday Roundup

■ FoIB Dr John Goodman tips us that if you're an Anthem insured in The Show-Me State, best think twice before using the ER for anything less than a real emergency:

"If you have a minor health problem, don't expect Anthem to pay for your ER visit ... Starting this summer, if a Missourian with Anthem insurance shows up at an emergency room with a minor ailment such as a common cold that could have been treated at an urgent care center, the patient will be on the hook for the entire bill."

On its face, I see nothing wrong with this: after all, the ER should be for truly dangerous health conditions. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

■ Last we looked, Genworth was being courted by China's Oceanwide insurance behemoth. Now there's more good news for the carrier:

"Genworth Financial Inc. startled investors Tuesday with good earnings news ... Earnings were about 20% higher than what Wall Street securities analysts had predicted, and revenue was 1.5% higher."

Of course, some (a lot?) of that came on the backs of its LTCi clients who ate some major rate increases:

"The company has been depending heavily on increases in premiums for the consumers who already have its LTCI policies to boost revenue."

But for how long can they continue going to this well?

■ And speaking of Anthem, got this in email recently:

"Provider Care Management Solutions or PCMS is a web-based program that changes the way information is shared among doctors, hospitals and specialists across the country. It makes health care more efficient by cutting out waste and getting the right information to doctors, when they need it."

They've even included a nifty video explaining this new program.