Tuesday, May 23, 2017

ACA Anecdata, anti-Kimmel Style

We've been hearing a lot of stories lately from folks who ostensibly benefited from ObamaCare, but what about those "left behind?" Surely their lives matter, too?

"My husband would’ve died with Obamacare ... In April of 2008, my husband, Doug, suffered a massive heart attack."

To be sure, this could have happened in 2017, as well. But that it happened in '08 was auspicious:

"Doctors and nurses worked through the night to get Doug’s heart pumping ... That was just step one in a long medical process."

Okay, Henry, we get it, a medical miracle happened, and the family's insurance did what it was designed to do: shielded them from financial ruin.

So what?

Here's what:

"Had Obamacare been the law of the land in early 2008, my husband probably would’ve died. And even if he didn’t, we probably would’ve had thousands and thousands of more dollars in medical expenses than we did."

How does she know this?

"[P]ost-Obamacare, the ongoing health needs of my husband cost thousands of dollars more in deductibles and copays than we ever paid in the freer market."


[Title corrected - Thanks, FoIB Bernie F!]