Monday, November 21, 2016

LifeLock News

So this happened:

I reached out to our friend Steve Geis (VP at Cornerstone) for his thoughts. Steve's the one who basically put our LifeLock discount program together; he replied:

"In my opinion, this will only make LifeLock stronger.  I’m sure it will lead to new advancements in Cyber Crime/ Data Breaches using Symantec’s resources.

It’s too soon to tell if this will impact on brokers (and clients) but my guess is it will be business as usual.  We still have to wait for regulatory approval before the deal is done.

We’ll just have to wait and see what comes to us from LifeLock and we’ll communicate upon notice

Thanks, Steve!

As a reminder, you can get a 10% discount on LifeLock services (15% is available for most employer groups).

[Hat Tip: Holly R]