Monday, December 23, 2013

Obamacare Pitchman?

Obamacare is ailing. Young invincibles are not signing up. Old and sick are opting for coverage in droves. Michelle is promoting Obamacare in your Christmas stocking instead of candy.

Talk about getting a lump of coal.

Now comes word about the latest push for #Obamacare enrollees.
Washington’s new health insurance exchange dispatched a sign-up envoy to one of the city’s gay clubs one recent night to get out the word about Obamacare. It envisioned men mingling on the dance floor, a cocktail in one hand and enrollment information in the other.
But the brochures about DC Health Link, as the exchange is called, weren’t snapped up as quickly as the free condoms provided by a local clinic.
Condoms or Obamacare.
Tough choice.
Either way you are getting screwed.