Monday, July 07, 2008

Lobbyist's Tricks: Update

Last week, I wrote about the mismanagement on display at the Association of Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), insofar as its Long Term Care Partnership Training program was concerned. After a week of trying, unsuccessfully, to resolve the matter, I was pleasantly surprised this morning: Greg Dean, the Executive Director of AHIP's Center for Insurance Education and Professional Development, "was personally dismayed to learn this morning of [my] difficulties in obtaining a certificate evidencing completion of the AHIP LTC Partnership training program." He was kind enough to attach my (new, official) certificate, thus rendering me "good to go" on the future sales of Long Term Care coverage.
While I appreciate Mr Dean's hands-on resolution, and the fact that he seems to have acted immediately upon learning of the situation, it seems to me rather problemmatic that it took this long for the issue to have finally percolated to his desk. One would hope that the organization will consider this "a learning moment," and begin looking for ways to avoid such problems in the future.