Monday, July 24, 2006

Carnival Time!

The Carnival of Personal Finance is up at Savvy Saver. Our intrepid host had his homework eaten by his dog, er, blog: "Blogger lost the original Carnival post that I put together last night, so I had to scramble this morning to re-do it." Ouch!
In the event, he still managed to put up 46 posts, which is terrific.
I haven't sold variable products in a number of years (by choice), so I found this post about variable annuities to be fairly well balanced (if a bit simplistic). Still, Thomas at Investor Geeks does a solid job.
And this week's Carnival of the Capitalists is hosted by Names At work. Antony has done an outstanding job of organizing the 45 posts, and added helpful commentary to each one. I was very flattered that he included our post in his "Top Five."
I have to agree, though, that his Number 1 post belongs in that spot: posted at Business Pundit, it's a true story, with an unexpected twist, and which raises some important ethical questions.
Seriously, check it out.