Friday, October 06, 2006


I try to stay on top of ideas to save money for my clients. Today a client introduced me to a site that I will be sharing with others in the future.

The price of prescription meds has become incredibly high for many people. I have some clients going through $3k+ per month in meds. Because of this, I am always aware of health insurance plans that have artificial caps on reimbursement for meds and will never recommend a plan that has a cap.

In some cases it is to my clients' advantage to purchase their meds by mail order vs the local pharmacy. I always suggest they check out CrossBorder for low prices. Now I have another site to consider: Isrameds was referred to me by a client. I believe this is a site worth reviewing.

Some of the benefits of Isrameds include:

Low price guarantee.

All meds are individually packaged and labeled "Kosher". This may prevent delivery problems some people experience when they have ordered meds from Canada.

Up to 70% of "your money is returned to the Israeli government".

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