Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Positive Side of Sharing

We try not to take too firm a stand on products we don't sell, and of course a healthy skepticism is always in order for non-insurance products that claim to pay for health care.

For example, we've blogged quite few times on Health Care Sharing Ministries, most recently here:

"My claim from October had still not been paid. Yesterday I received a notice ... that since I was no longer a paying member my medical claims are no longer eligible for payment!"

But we also know folks who've had positive experiences. This past Spring, for example, long-time IB reader Thomas L reported that:

"We are using a sharing ministry, Samaritan Ministries, as of September.  In Oklahoma, the premium increase for this year was announced at 51% and all but BCBS were exiting the market statewide*.  This is after an almost 40% increase the year before."


But again, it's not just about saving money upfront: how will one fare once claims start to accrue?

Well, recently Tom sent this update:
"Baby is here!

So far so good on all things Samaritan.  All current expenses are already paid, the money for the obgyn is pre-paid to the clinic (which for whatever reason they hold in escrow), and the money for the hospital’s delivery estimate I have in a separate account ready to go, but since he was just delivered on 9/17, we have not had any bills yet.
I’ll have a much fuller report after the hospital really bills us, and, if it is like last time with BCBS, that weird never-ending stream of bills from the doctors and staff that come into your hospital room but technically aren’t with the hospital, so bill you separately."
Mazel tov!

Thanks, Tom, for keeping us updated, and have a GREAT Thanksgiving!