Friday, March 08, 2013

Friday LinkFest

 For your weekend enjoyment:

Medical Tourism has been a frequent topic here at IB, and this growth industry keeps expanding:

"Priced at NT$500,000 (US$17,249), a seven-day package features a combination of Western-style physical checkups and clinical cosmetology, as well as Chinese preventive medicine."

Sign us up!

Recently Nate schooled Time Magazine's Steve Brill on how health care delivery and financing actually works in the real world. This Wall Street Journal piece delivers the coup de grâce:

"[Brill] reiterates in lengthy detail perversities that are already well known, without offering a single useful insight on how it go that way, and even less on how to fix it ... he's also aware that these customers often pay little or nothing of what they are charged and hospitals reallocate the cost to the bills of other patients. He even notes that a hospital might collect as little as 18% of what it pretends to bill."

And, finally, remember The ObamaTax promise to lower our health insurance premiums by 3000%? Folks in the Golden State are learning that it lacked truthiness:

"Health insurance costs are skyrocketing in California, where many citizens will soon face double digit premium hikes."

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