"It's pretty clear that the president was reelected, Obamacare is the law of the land."
So begins a new chapter here at IB, as The ObamaTax becomes the Not So Vaunted Health System©. The NSVHS© is characterized by guaranteed issue insurance, which guarantees only that rational people will wait to buy their policy until they're in the ambulance. It means that rational people will look at the
Rational people will understand, of course, that actual health care will, of necessity, become rationed as a direct consequence of other folks being subsidized to buy new policies, creating ever more increasing demand, even as provider reimbursements falter (a consequence of the $700+ billion Medicare cut).
Rational employers will understand that the $2000 per employee
It means that health care quality will decline, as will new medical tech. It means that seniors will have fewer choices, perhaps not even the choice of whether to live.
Over the next few weeks and months, Mme Secretary Shecantbeserious will begin to roll out all the new rules and regs that will dictate how the government will direct
Not with a bang, but a whimper...