- Blue Shield of California Life & Health Insurance Company: $10.8 million rebate to policyholders in the individual market; approximately 239,595 subscribers impacted; $45.15 average rebate per subscriber;
- Kaiser Permanente Insurance Company: $277,034 rebate to policyholders in the individual market; approximately 21,823 subscribers impacted; $12.69 average rebate per subscriber;
- Connecticut General Life Insurance Company (CIGNA):$3.4 million rebate to employers in the large group market; approximately 89,575 subscribers impacted; $37.70 average rebate per subscriber;
- Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company: $1.3 million rebate to policyholders in the individual market; approximately 407,429 subscribers impacted; $3.16 average rebate per subscriber;
- Aetna Life Insurance Company: $3.4 million rebate to employers in the large group market; approximately 84,428 subscribers impacted; $40.50 average rebate per subscriber;
- PacifiCare Life and Health Insurance Company: $789,615 rebate to employers in the large group market; approximately 63,600 subscribers impacted; $12.42 average rebate per subscriber.
2700 pages, over 12,000 additional pages of regulations and interpretations so policyholders can get a refund ranging from $3 - $45.
I mean really?