Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oh, Oh, Oregon!

[Welcome Industry Radar readers!]

About a month ago, we reported that Oregon's state-run "health" plan made Barbara Wagner "an offer she couldn't refuse:"
Turns out, it was considered more cost effective for her to, um, "go away" than to pay for life-extending meds.
And now the compassionate bureaucrats in the Beaver State have apparently decided to make that wonderful option more readily, and easily, available to even more desperately ill citizens:
Sound familiar?
The "health" plan won't pay for treatment, but has no trouble coming up with the funds for doctor-assisited "suicide." Of course, this makes perfect sense, when one considers that "state officials reported a new emphasis on preventive care and cost effectiveness." What could possibly be more effective than euthanasia? It's guaranteed to provide a complete and permanent resolution to the problem, without all that expensive medicine and stuff.
Who knew Dr Jack would be in-network?