Monday, April 18, 2005

HIPAA and Maternity: A Dialectic (or a Debacle)…

My good friend, insurance guru Bob Vineyard and I have been engaged in a lengthy, interesting, and frustrating email correspondence.
It all started innocently enough: Bob wrote to tell me that he got his hand slapped (which is in itself not really all that surprising) because – apparently – HIPAA doesn’t consider pregnancy a pre-existing condition.
And that’s where it gets interesting.
According to the DOL (Department of Labor):
This seems counter-intuitive, given that other provisions in HIPAA limit coverage for pre-existing conditions. So, I identified 4 scenario’s where this might apply, to see where this new information would lead us:
1) Jane was covered under a group plan at Employer A, got a new job at Company B, and immediately enrolled in their group health plan.
In this case, there’s no problem; everyone agrees that HIPAA provides for continuity of coverage, and so Jane’s pregnancy would be covered.
Sort of: if there’s a waiting period for new hires, she’s got a problem. But that’s another post.
2) Jane was covered under an individual plan, and then went to work at XYZ Widgets.
Again, as in #1, there should be no problem, because HIPAA recognizes individual coverage as creditable toward group. In other words, the pregnancy should be covered (subject, of course, to the same waiting period proviso as in #1)
3) Jane had no insurance, and went to work at XYZ Widgets. Apparently, HIPAA says that the pregnancy must be covered.
Does it? According to an article on, “if (Jane) had no insurance, got pregnant, then landed a new job with insurance, (her) new health plan would not have to immediately cover (her) pregnancy.” Now, I’m not crazy about relying on the net for such critical information, but it does seem to make some sense. OTOH, I’ll keep digging, and update/correct this answer as I learn more.
4) Jane works at XYZ Widgets, but has no insurance because she waived (declined) coverage when she was originally eligible. Now, she is considered a “late enrollee,” subject to an 18 month waiting period for pre-existing conditions.
Not so fast there, pardner. According to another site, The Employers Council, “(n)o preexisting condition limitations may be imposed on pregnant women…” But, also according to that site, Jane would have had to have had [ed - that sounds clumsy] other coverage in place when she originally waived. Otherwise, she is indeed a late enrollee.
If this sounds convoluted and confusing, it is. I’m still not sure how scenarios 3 and 4 will ultimately “shake out,” so I’m going to consider this post: Under Construction.


  1. Gee, thanks Henry . . . for telling the world I got my head on a platter for missing this HIPAA exception. Your turn is coming!

    Have to admit, I was floored when this came up. After all, what part of this makes sense? New enrollee, no prior coverage, diabetic, has to wait a year before she can get coverage.

    New enrollee #2, no prior coverage, pregnant, no pre-ex waiting period.

    Diabetic had no control over their disease. Pregnant woman did.

    What am I missing?

    Diabetes (and cancer, and cardiac problems, and . . .) are all "accidents" in that no one PLANS on becoming diabetic, contracting cancer, having a heart attack. But pregnancy is a (mostly) PLANNED condition and one that can be 100% avoided.

    Sounds political to me. Show me the congressman(woman) who said we can't discriminate against a pregnant lady but we can make everyone else WAIT before they get coverage.

    So if a pregnant diabetic . . .

  2. .
    Hey, any time...always happy to help out! ;-))

    And just think, of all the things you should have had your hand slapped for...

    Actually, I do owe you a big Thanx: I've never had this come up (yet), and now I at least have some kind of handle on it.

    As do any "lurkers." ;-))

    It still strikes me as fundamentally unfair (even by gummint standards) that the diabetic is "punished" while the pregnant woman is "rewarded."

    One would think that the ACLU might be interested in this, no?
